Thursday, February 21, 2013

Capturing D.H. Lawrence's spirit.

I want to go to the city  of Eastwood. In the English Midlands. And walk the same ground that novelist D. H. Lawrence walked when growing up around 1900.  I want to keep capturing Lawrence’s spirit. Later in life, he settled in New Mexico. On a ranch. Near Taos. I’ve been there. Lawrence also loved Italy. And he wrote a book, ‘The Sea and Sardinia,’ about his travels in Sardinia. That’s where I’m living now. But I’ve never been to Lawrence’s birthplace. I must go. I am compelled to go.  Maybe I’m being drawn by Lawrence’s spirit. I hope so. I’ve read that not everyone is Eastwood is enamored with Lawrence. They feel forsaken. Because after Lawrence became famous, he never returned to his hometown. But others revere Lawrence. In 1973, they opened a museum in Eastwood. Honoring Lawrence. As well they should. Initially, the prudish element of Eastwood rejected Lawrence. For his novel ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover.’  And some still do. But they’re the minority. Anyway, I’m reading Harry T.  Moore’s biography of Lawrence, ‘The Priest of Love.’   I’ve been fascinated by Lawrence’s novels for a long, long time. Lawrence died in 1930. But for me, his spirit still lives. And I wonder if it’s still wandering around Eastwood. I’m gonna  find out. One of these days soon. –Jim Broede

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