Friday, February 1, 2013

I ain't so dumb either.

Ah, Sardinian spring has arrived. Not that winter was winter. Because I’m from Minnesota. So from my perspective, Sardinia doesn’t ever have a real winter. It’s more like eternal spring in November, December and January. Never a freezing temperature. Never snow. Therefore, what’s now being called spring is beginning to feel a little like summer. For me. I’m able to walk sleeveless. Though Sardinians think I’m crazy. They still wear coats and and sweaters. Even Eskimo apparel. Despite temperatures in the 60s and lower 70s. My Italian true love tells me to not get overconfident. That we could still get real cold. By that, she means in the 40s and 50s. My gawd. She doesn’t know real cold. She’s never spent winter in Minnesota. She’s a smart cookie. She comes for the summer. And knows when it’s best to flee back to Sardinia. I ain’t so dumb either. I won’t return to Minnesota until April. Even though there’ll still be a risk of snow. –Jim Broede

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