Sunday, February 24, 2013

Might as well remain dead.

I wonder about things I’d like to be. Professionally. If I’m reincarnated. Maybe a writer once again. But hey, I’d probably be better off trying other pursuits. Maybe a monk. Locked up in a monastery. For free-thinkers. Monks that avoid organized religion. Is that possible? Well, worth giving it a try. I’d find out. Also could settle for being a shepherd. Tending a flock in a remote part of the world. Maybe being the only shepherd within 100 miles. Another thing. I wouldn’t mind being an actor. Playing many roles. Just pretending. But still trying to live the part. Just for kicks. For the sake of variety. I’d settle, too, for being a street sweeper. In a small Italian village. Of course, maybe I should give a try at leading an evil and dishonest life. As a politician. But then, why spend time in a wasted life? Might as well remain dead. –Jim Broede

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