Saturday, February 23, 2013

So easy. So satisfying. So fulfilling.

A discomforting dream. I have ‘em occasionally. And the nice thing is awakening. And knowing there’s no reason to feel uncomfortable anymore. Because I’m retired. No longer subjected to the grind of the work world. No longer obligated to produce/write newspaper stories virtually every day. I always enjoyed writing. But not to deadline. Not in a hurry. And I preferred picking my own subjects. Which I could do often. But not often enough. There were just too many things to write. And not nearly enough time to do everything. That weighed on me. And I still have the occasional dream that I’m back in those days. Employed. And obligated to some degree to the dictates of bosses. Now I’m my own dictator. And so when I awaken out of a troubling dream of work overload,  I am no longer troubled. I smile. I’m relaxed. I get up at 4 in the morning. And write what I wanna write. Under my terms. At my pace. At my choosing. I’m my own boss. Man, that feels good.  Makes writing so  easy. So satisfying. So fulfilling. –Jim Broede

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