Saturday, February 9, 2013

Things are looking up, up, up.

Went  to the market today. And bought bread. And three kinds of pastries. And lasagna for two.  Had to stand in line. And had the opportunity to look at the tops of heads. Everybody shorter than me.  I’m just under six feet. Shortness. That’s the nature of Sardinians. Men and women alike. They tend to be amazingly short. Some women must be barely four feet tall. And men, too, come in at five-foot-two. Maybe less. Of course, there are exceptions. But rarely do I see someone taller than me. And then I suspect he’s a foreigner. My Sardinian true love tells me of diet deficiencies 30 or 40 years ago. The cause of stunted growth. But things are looking up. Younger Sardinians are growing up and up and up.  –Jim Broede

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