Saturday, March 16, 2013

Born to lie to themselves.

Every day, I see people that don’t want to face the truth. No matter where I am. In America. In Italy. Even in my cocoon. All I need do is look into the mirror. I’m guilty, too. Except I know it. Not everyone does. I lie to myself. In many ways. Maybe not as much as most people. But still I lie. About certain philosophical issues. I go contrary to current scientific evidence. About spiritual matters. I overrule the experts. I defy logic and reason. By accepting certain premises on faith alone. Lack of evidence doesn’t bother me. I believe what I want to believe, period. I’m bull-headed. Closed minded. At least that’s being honest to some degree. When I call myself a liar. I recognize the truth. Most liars I know don’t even know they are lying. Because they don’t want to face the cold and brutal truth. They are born liars. Always will be. They can’t be anything else. That’s their nature. Their essence. They were born to lie to themselves. –Jim Broede

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