Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I rest my case.

Maybe the biggest myth about creation is that we earthlings are alone. That there’s no other intelligent life in the entire cosmos. Two big mistakes. First, we earthlings ain’t intelligent beings. And all sorts of life abounds. Including intelligent life. Far beyond anything we primitive and stupid  earthlings can imagine. Many of us (not me) believe that somebody called god created Adam and Eve something like 6,000 years ago. And here we are. God’s gift to the cosmos. The masterwork of his creative imagination. I’m smarter than that. Some days, I’m certain we earthlings aren’t the masterpiece. But rather an afterthought. Maybe a mistake/experiment that went awry. Many of our more conservative brethren don’t even believe dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. Yes, because the earth is only 6,000 years old. Once upon a time, many of us even thought the earth was the center of the universe. And that the earth was flat. That one could fall off the edge. Into an abyss. And keep falling forever.  In fact, there still is a flat earth society. And another thing, if any of you still believe there’s intelligent life, take a gander at our politicians. Especially Republicans. Look at me with a straight face. And tell me that’s intelligent life. I rest my case. –Jim Broede

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