Friday, March 22, 2013

Kapow! Kapow! Kapow!

It’s a new way to eliminate one’s enemies. Merely blast them off the face of Earth. With an explosive. Launched from a flying drone. Equipped with a powerful telescope. And laser. To spot the enemy.  Far more sophisticated than a nuclear bomb. More precise. If we had drones back in the 1930s, Hitler could have been eliminated. Maybe in a forum. As he made a speech. Kapow! One less menace. Thing is, maybe it’s Hitler that had access to the drone. He could have eliminated the eliminators. With a first strike. Obama seems to have little qualms of conscience. He’s even ordered a drone strike on an American citizen. Albeit in a foreign country. Kapow! He’s gone. I wonder if Obama is worried. That one of his enemies has a drone. And some day, some night. Kapow! No more Obama. –Jim Broede

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