Friday, March 22, 2013

People lack desire, not time.

People tell me they don’t have time. For this and that. And I tell them, quit making excuses. Everybody has time. They just don’t take the time. To do the important and must things. Sometimes, I ask someone to do me a favor. Might take three minutes. But still, they tell me they don’t have the time. They can’t spare three minutes.  Of course, that’s just so much BS. They are really telling me they don’t wanna take the time to do me a favor. One encounters such in bureaucracies. So much could be accomplished. In short order. If one merely took the time to do it. I have time today to do many, many things. I may choose to not take the time. But hey, I gotta admit. I have the time. To do almost anything I want. If only I had the desire. That’s really what most people lack. Desire. They have plenty of time. Time to burn. –Jim Broede

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