Monday, March 18, 2013

Let's spend our way to prosperity.

I’m opposed to austerity programs being foisted on countries with big debts and high unemployment. I’d rather have big spending, even if that means increased national debt. In order to put people back to work. And to revitalize the economy. I side with economists who argue that austerity does more harm than good. That it’s better and wiser to spend more. Of course, the well-off amongst us, the very rich, tend to advocate austerity. Because they aren’t in dire straits. They are still able to live extravagantly. Despite the bad economic times. But they want the poor and the middle class to tighten their belts. To live on less and less. To go unemployed. To live in poverty. That ain’t right. It’s immoral. Doesn’t matter what country it’s in. Whether it’s America or Greece or Italy or Spain. Anywhere in the world. That’s the way governments must start thinking. Taking care of the masses. Serving the common good. Rather than serving the interests of the rich and elite. –Jim Broede

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