Friday, March 22, 2013

Reason to cringe.

Paul Ryan. Every time I look at him. Makes me cringe. He’s supposed to be the Republican congressional budget guru. And was Mitt Romney’s choice for vice president. Thank gawd, the ticket lost. But still, there’s Ryan, chairman of the house budget committee. He’d like to screw the poor and the middle class. Pad the pockets of the rich.  In the Republican never-ending quest to widen the gap between the rich and the poor. And essentially eliminate the middle class. So that everyone is rich or poor.  Nothing in between. Ryan has no grasp of the common good. Instead, he’s for the good of  the rich elite. People like Ryan often think like their parents and grandparents and great grandparents. Stuck in early 19th century ways. Wishing  there was still a slave economy. When rich white males were the ruling elite. The masters.  The powerbrokers. And to hell with everybody who isn't rich. Yes, it's the credo of Ryan and his Republican cronies. Reason for the rest of us to cringe.  –Jim Broede

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