Thursday, March 28, 2013

Their happiness rates very high.

When it comes to language, I understand more than words. Which is a plus. Especially when it comes to understanding Italians. Because I don’t speak or understand much Italian. But still, I understand some Italians. By their vibrations. That goes for Bruno and especially his wife, Mariella. She’s very expressive. With the tone and modulation of her voice. She’s able to speak passionately. I see it in her face. And in the vibes she emits. Of course, I also get an assist from my Italian true love. Who is sitting next to me. I lean over, and ask for a translation. Though I’ve already guessed what Mariella is saying. I surmised that Bruno and Mariella are a happy couple. But Mariella said that on a scale of 1 to 10, she rates herself as 5, when it comes to happiness. But I’m not sure about that. I suspect Mariella focuses much more on the things that make her happy. Not so much on the things that don’t. Focus is the true barometer. Bruno and Mariella have each other. That’s a big part of their happiness. But they also have a nice home. And a beautiful flower garden. And good health, it seems. They have created a cocoon, their own little world inside the big world over which they have little or no control. Seems to me they know how to control the basics of happiness. The things that really count. Such as their loving relationship. And their immediate environment. When I’m with them, they exude abundant happiness. And believe me, I know happiness when I see it. This kind of happiness rates much higher than 5. It’s at least 8. Maybe 9. –Jim Broede

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