Sunday, March 24, 2013

Trying to survive in bad times.

Sat down on a park bench yesterday with Alexander, my refugee friend from Nigeria. And talked about quantum  physics, the cosmos and Einstein’s theory of relativity. Gives me the impression that he’s a fairly smart guy. But like I’ve said in previous threads, he’s more or less jobless. Working as a street peddler/beggar on the Italian island of Sardinia. That’s about the best work he can find. And he does it because he has to survive. In Italy, like in many parts of the world, the economy is awfully bad. And jobs are few and far between. Especially decent jobs with decent wages. Millions of Italians can’t find work. And that doesn’t bode well for a Nigerian immigrant. No matter how qualified he may be. Alexander also has three years of training in veterinary medicine. And he speaks English, Arabic and Italian. The impression here in Italy and even with many of my friends around the world is that a street peddler in Italy isn’t qualified for anything else.  That he’s a ne’er-do-well, also known as a worthless person, an idler, a loafer, a wastrel.  Trust me. That ain’t so in the case of Alexander. Instead, it’s the nature of the times. That totally competent and intelligent people can’t find decent jobs. But they still have to find ways to support themselves. Some of ‘em end up as street peddlers. And I wouldn’t have guessed  it until I met Alexander.   So now I’m writing about him. And I’ve asked that he stay in touch. With me. When I return to the U.S. in a few days. I want to know what finally happens to him. I’m hoping for a happy success story. But won’t surprise me if it turns out to be a sad story. Because  these are bad times. –Jim Broede

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