Sunday, April 21, 2013

A less effective president.

Barack Obama ain’t a politician. And maybe that’s too bad. Because a politician knows how to get things done. Especially if he has the power of the presidency. Plus the power of public opinion. Overwhelming on his side. In both cases. That’s what Obama had in the debate over gun regulation. Yet he lost. In the Senate. Because he was unable to corral the 60 votes necessary to pass the legislation. Settled for 54 votes. Six fewer than he needed. That’s gross failure. Something that should shame a real politician. Maybe Obama is far too idealistic. Far too emotional. He doesn’t know how to really get things done. Politically. He’s not a Lyndon Johnson. The master of political pressure and gamesmanship. Could be that Obama is suited more to be a college professor than a politician. Maybe that makes him a less effective president than Lyndon Johnson. –Jim Broede

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