Saturday, April 20, 2013

Time to laugh. Not fret.

I am fascinated by Italian politics. Intrigued, too. Baffled. Amused. Entertained. These are all positive elements. I never lose sleep over what might happen next. I accept it all. In a good-humored way. Knowing I can’t change any of the outcomes. And knowing that Italian political truth is stranger than fiction. Meanwhile, my Italian true love becomes distraught over the state of Italian politics.  She’s repulsed. Sickened. Actually loses sleep over the antics and what might happen next.  She even talks about wanting to leave Italy. Move to another country. In order to escape Italian politics. Italy’s last national election was in February. And still, a new government has yet to form. Because Italy is divided into multiple political parties. And no one party comes close to corralling a majority. Therefore, coalitions of two or more parties are necessary. And they are all feuding. They can’t agree on anything. So here they are. At stalemate.  In a sense, without a government. The politicians can’t decide what to do next. Maybe another election. Very soon. And maybe another and another after that. Endless elections. Endless sharply divided votes. Because a majority of Italians can’t decide what kind of government they want. I tell my true love this is funny. Time to laugh. Not fret. –Jim Broede

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