Thursday, April 18, 2013

On making the impossible possible.

The discovery of two new Earth-like planets. In another solar system. Some 1,200 light years away. That’s the news that made my day. Overshadows everything else. Captures my imagination. The possibility of life throughout the cosmos. Sure, it’s life fantastically far away. But still, it’s a nice feeling. To dream about whether, if as a spirit, one could travel that immense distance. Easily. In an instant. Outside of time. Can’t imagine doing it as a physical being. Propelled at the speed of light (186,000 miles a second), it’d take 1,200 years to reach that distant solar system.  Of course, there’s so much I don’t understand.  Maybe  the grand design of creation was to make everything  possible. I'd like that. – Jim Broede

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