Sunday, May 5, 2013

Always was. Always will be.

I distrust people that want to become filthy rich. Monetarily. Especially if that’s their primary goal in life. Yes, I know that’s being judgmental. They may be very trustworthy. Very good and decent human beings. It’s just that I’m wary of their motives. I suspect they want money mostly to gain power over people. Political. Economic. Social. Mainly for selfish reasons. Rather than for the common good. My perception of the common good, of course. Which may be radically different than the rich man’s. I want a more equitable distribution of wealth. The narrowing of the gap between the rich and the poor. And who’s to say which of us is right? That’s the basic problem. It’s a philosophic issue. Open to scintillating debate. Especially if the participants have open minds. But we enter the forum mostly with closed minds. As politicians. We don’t really listen to the other side. We refuse compromise. Preferring hostility. Even war. We ignore the implications on human life. We become insensitive. To each other. And hey, poor people may be just as uncaring as the rich. Indifferent/callous/cold-hearted to associates, to friends, to loved ones, to strangers, to everyone. Doesn’t necessarily take money to be a miserable wretch. But money is power. An effective tool. For good. For evil. Gives one the ability to foist ways on others. Vast monetary wealth gives me more control. More power. Over others. I can manipulate and influence the system. For good. For evil. And that’s the real world. A blending of good and evil.  Always was. Always will be. –Jim Broede

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