Sunday, May 26, 2013

Amazing the afterlife.

I imagine all sorts of afterlife. Many, many possible scenarios. And if life is an illusion, maybe I’m allowed to pick and choose. And live whichever illusion suits me. That would be nice. I'd live as a spirit. In another dimension. I'd leave Mother Earth. And explore the cosmos. And have a chit-chat with the creator. Of course, the spirit world could be an illusion, too. A dream. But that's all right.  Because the illusion of life feels so real. Enough to fool me. Into thinking that I'm really alive and conscious. That's good enough for me.  I'd rather not be an alone spirit. Preferring to mingle with other spirits. Maybe Mozart. I want to know if he's making spiritual music. And what it sounds like. I'd like to converse with Einstein's spirit. About his theory of relativity. And how it applies to the spirit world. Can we spirits travel faster than the speed of light? I suspect we can. That we can even walk on water. And do other amazing the afterlife.--Jim Broede

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