Thursday, May 2, 2013

The worst fate: To be soulless.

Searching my soul. That’s one of my favorite pastimes. Makes me wonder why more people don’t do it. Or maybe they do. I wouldn’t know, really. Because delving deeply into one’s soul is a very personal thing. That’s what I like most about it.  Discovering so much stuff.  Some friends and acquaintances tell me they’re afraid of what they might find. But I’ve never been scared. Instead, I’m downright curious. And often fascinated. Wasn’t always sure if I really had a soul.  But the search was fruitful. There it was. Beneath many layers. But now my soul has come to the surface. In a way, it’s a separate entity. I’m able to converse with my soul. Helps me determine right from wrong. I would never willingly part with my soul. As for selling one’s soul, I’m not sure if that’s possible. No way would I sell my soul. It’s far too precious. Even more precious than my Italian true love. Thing is, I wouldn’t be me without my soul. I’d be incapable of pure love. Can’t think of a worse fate. To be soulless. –Jim Broede

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