Thursday, May 16, 2013

Those with money rule the roost.

I scoff at politicians who tell me I ain’t treating ‘em fairly. Since when was politics played fairly? Never has been. Never will. That’s the nature of the game. Treat your opponent unfairly. Here’s the way I see it. If one is dealing with a scumbag – well, then one has to play by scumbag rules.  That’s why I generally steer clear of politics. It’s degrading.  Corrupting. I try to stay aloof. But occasionally I get into a political fray. Doesn’t make me feel good. Equivalent to jumping into a cesspool.  Makes one feel dirty. And evil. Occasionally, a politician such as Barack Obama tries to play fair. But it doesn’t work. A naive Obama eventually learns. One can’t be fair in dealing with Republicans. It doesn’t work. Despite Obama’s lofty ideals. Thinking that he can outfox  Republicans by taking his case to the people. And thereby getting the majority on his side. But it won’t happen. Because the political, economic and social systems are rigged. Those with money rule the roost. The majority never wins. A reckless minority has seized control. --Jim Broede

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