Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bad. Bad. Bad.

Syria. A place I have no desire to visit. In fact, I don’t even want to think about Syria. I have better things to do. I know there’s a civil war going. Syrians are fighting each other. And trying to oust their president. He’s portrayed as a bad guy. Real bad. But ‘bad’ also seems to apply to everyone/rebels fighting in Syria. Merely varying degrees of badness. Therefore, it’d be a mistake for America to intervene. Nothing good can come of it. Ultimately, some bad guys will win. Let them fight it out. Maybe they’ll all kill each other. Leaving a vacuum. To be filled by nice guys. We have a similar problem in America. Lots of bad guys. Namely, Republicans. Like John McCain. They’d like America to intervene.  To pursue another war. Now that wars are winding down in Iraq and Afghanistan. Fortunately, in America we have some good guys, too. They’d rather spend money on domestic programs that help the poor and middle class. But the bad guys much prefer dumping the money down a rat hole. Into another war. In Syria. Bad. Bad. Bad. –Jim Broede

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