Sunday, June 30, 2013

Getting on with the rest of life.

My friend Julie didn’t like the way everyone acted. In the hospital room. When her mother was dying the other day. She was annoyed. If not downright angry. At her sister. Her husband, too. And others. For being too loud. And gregarious. In a sense, disrespectful. She wished they had been more quiet. More subdued. More spiritual.  Julie felt like telling ‘em all to get out. To go to the hospital lounge. Because Julie wanted an environs of peace and solitude.  As she focused on making a spiritual connection with mom. In the waning minutes of mom’s earthly/physical life. Albeit in a coma.  Still, maybe mom’s spirit could hear all the commotion. But then, everyone has his/her own way of dealing with death. Some prefer Julie’s way. Others like to pretend that it ain’t happening. They ask, ‘Where are we going for dinner tonight?’ Or they are busy text messaging about the pending death. Or they may even tell jokes to relieve the tension. As for me, I’d rather not be there.  Instead, I want to waste no time. Getting on with the rest of life. –Jim Broede

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