Saturday, June 1, 2013

Good riddance.

I like living in Minnesota. Because it’s a relatively liberal state. Politically. Economically. Socially.  Take our two U.S. senators, for instance. Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar. Fine human beings. But hey, I live in a very conservative congressional district. Which makes Minnesota something of a paradox. Our representative is Michele Bachmann. She’s been elected and re-elected four times. Though it was a close call for Bachmann last November. She won by only 1 percent. Bachmann is my idea of an indecent human being. An ultra-conservative crackpot.  Makes my tiny corner of Minnesota look like a haven for idiots. Which may be true. Because I’m a liberal idiot. And Bachmann qualifies as an idiot on the opposite end of the political spectrum. But Bachmann ain’t totally stupid. Because she’s decided not to run again. She’s through after this term. The best news I’ve heard in a long time. Anyway, my guess is that Bachmann recognized that even my stupid politically conservative  neighbors are waking up. They’ve had enough of Bachmann. She’s an embarrassment to Minnesota. Bachmann knew she’d lose next time around. Though she won’t admit it. She’s also under investigation by the congressional ethics committee and the FBI. For alleged ethic and campaign finance violations. Ironic, isn’t it? She accuses everybody but herself of wrongdoing. She wants congress investigated. To weed out members she considers ‘un-American.’  Bachmann touts herself as a real true American. That’s scary. Little wonder that I’ve chosen to live almost half of the year in Italy. Don’t get me wrong. I like America, and Minnesota.  But I ain’t been enamored with my congressional district.  Finally, I can say, Bachmann made the right decision. Not to run again. Good riddance. –Jim Broede

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