Saturday, June 1, 2013

Suicide. The decent thing to do.

I’m all for suicide. If it’s committed by the Republican Party. Nothing I’d rather see dead than the GOP. I’d celebrate in joyous fashion. Dancing a lively Irish jig on the grave. The world would be so much better off without Republicans. I’m encouraged. Because Republicans seem willing to die. Rather than budge from their despicable principles. Serving the rich. Rather than the common good. Republicans despise the poor and the middle class. They are a selfish lot. Obstructionists in Congress. Racists. Opposed to Obama primarily because he’s black. So hateful. Many of ‘em have even convinced themselves that Obama wasn’t born in America. That he’s an illegal president.  Anyway, it has put the Republican Party on a suicidal  political course.  Go for it, Republicans. It’s the decent thing to do.  –Jim Broede

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