Friday, June 21, 2013

It's downright immoral.

I’m for siphoning the profits of big business. And using the proceeds for the common good. Mostly, by putting people back to work. In pursuits good for society. Even for the support of the welfare state.  For social programs that benefit the poor and the middle class.  That’s the advice of some modern-day economists. They point out that in the so-called good old days, in the 1950s, the profitable big businesses were exemplified by the likes of General Motors. Businesses that employed many, many workers. Paid them decent wages. To produce. That was a way of sharing profits with the producers/workers. But today, some of the biggest profiteers are companies such as Apple and Microsoft. They have relatively few employees. And they ship jobs overseas. To very low wage workers. Thus, the workers receive smaller and smaller shares of profits. And some economists tell me that hurts the economy. Especially here in the U.S. Because these companies hoard the profits, and make a few people rich. Rather than distributing the wealth to the many. Little wonder, the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. Unfortunately, the rich are in positions of political and economic power. They call the shots. Making the rich richer. And the poor poorer. Obviously, that doesn’t serve the common good. In fact, it’s downright immoral. –Jim Broede

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