Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Little wonder. I'm a Putin fan.

I’m a fan of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In part, because he ain’t afraid to stand up to American officials.  And he’s good for Russia. In that he knows how to get things done. Politically. His way.  Barack Obama could take lessons from Putin. He’d show Obama how to deal with Republicans. In a more ruthless manner. Obama does too much pussyfooting. He’s too nice. Putin has a gruff and scary side. Another thing. Putin keeps himself in svelte condition. He could beat up an opponent. Political and otherwise. With his bare fists. Obama may be a decent basketball player. But he’d be pulverized in a fist fight, even with out-of-shape fatty Newt Gingrich. With the weight advantage, Newt would merely fall on Obama and crush him to death. Yes, I know that wouldn’t be a fair fight. But Putin could handle Gingrich. By circling and giving him a lethal kick in the ass. Little wonder. I’m a Putin fan. –Jim Broede

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