Thursday, June 27, 2013

No fair shake from Republicans.

I don’t trust conservative Republicans. But hey, if I were black instead of white, I’d never turn my back on Republicans. I’d watch their every move. With wary disdain. Because chances are they are racists. And up to no good. Of course, Republicans relate to me in a different way. Because I’m white. That helps. But once they know my political views, Republicans would start treating me more like a black man. As a black sympathizer.  Similar to the way Nazis treated Jewish sympathizers in Germany. Meanwhile, I’ll concede that not every Republican is a racist. But generally, Republicans of every stripe go along with the racist dictates of the party rulers. The party’s conservative base is fearful of the white race some day soon becoming the minority in America. That’s an abhorrent and scary thought for the GOP’s racist element. They’d like to disenfranchise minorities. Especially blacks and Hispanics. Because they vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. And why is that? Because minorities know they won’t get a fair shake from racist Republicans. –Jim Broede

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