Thursday, June 6, 2013

The hypocritical nature of politics.

I occasionally listen to talk radio. On both sides of the political spectrum. And mostly, I hear hypocrites accusing hypocrites of being hypocrites.  That’s funny. Yes, there are conservative hypocrites and liberal hypocrites. Middle-of-the road hypocrites, too. Hypocrites of every persuasion.  But I notice that liberal hypocrites tend to be a little bit (maybe 25 percent) more honest than conservative hypocrites. Because some of 'em admit/acknowledge/confess their hypocritical tendencies. Of course, hypocrites want to make the other side look bad. Always. While denying that they are just as bad/hypocritical as the other guy. That’s the nature of politics. If during a Democrat/liberal administration there’s even a slight hint of a goof up, it’s portrayed by Republicans/conservatives as a scandal. Even if it ain’t. It’s automatically given the worst possible interpretation. Change the scenario, and mess up happens in a Republican/conservative administration – well, the Democrats/liberals will scream holy hell. Making it seem like the worst scandal since Watergate. Let me repeat. That’s the nature of politics. Very little objectivity. A whole lot of subjectivity. The only thing for certain is that a hypocrite is a hypocrite is a hypocrite. –Jim Broede

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