Saturday, June 22, 2013

To live with passion.

Occasionally, I allow my emotions get the worst of me.  Rather than the best. For instance, if I very, very much want a particular outcome, and it doesn’t happen. I’ve been known to fret. To anguish. To pout. To go into doldrums.  Might be over trivial things. Such as a sporting event that didn’t go my way. Or something more serious. Gore losing to Bush in the presidential election. Or my dear and adorable Jeanne having Alzheimer’s, and dying from it. But more and more, I’m learning acceptance. Of things over which I have no ability to change.  I’ve even learned to control my emotions. To a degree. Don’t know if that’s always good. Because there are times when it’s best to be very emotional. To live with feeling/passion. –Jim Broede

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