Sunday, June 23, 2013

A dialogue: As equally free spirits.

I’m a free-thinker. Shunning organized religions. Preferring to proceed on my own. I believe in a creator. In a spiritual force of life. If I am to live forever, it’ll be as a free spirit. On the same level/dimension as the creator.  I’m able now to commune with the creator. Directly. From my perch in the physical world. But it’s not the same as being fully in the spiritual dimension. The physical world is too limiting. For me. The creator is at an advantage. In his more lofty environs. One can be truly free only in the spiritual realm. Not so in the physical.  Give me direct access to the creator. In his domain. That is where I yearn to be. Then the creator and I  can conduct a real dialogue. As equally free spirits. –Jim Broede

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