Saturday, July 20, 2013

I want forever and ever.

Let’s say that someone has a death wish. And then  dies. Of so-called natural causes. Is that a form of suicide? I suspect it is. Dying willfully. Another thing. Maybe one chooses to die for a cause. Sacrifices his life. For the good of the cause. Jesus did that, didn’t he?  He accepted death. When he really didn’t have to. But he considered the cause greater than his life. And in a sense, he looked forward to death. Because he had a staunch belief in an afterlife. Maybe that’s why some folks commit suicide. Such as terrorists. Not only for a cause. But for belief in a blissful afterlife. My father committed suicide. And my guess is that he didn’t believe in a cause or in an afterlife. He merely wanted out. Fully and completely. I’m of a different mind. I want in. Life. Forever and ever. –Jim Broede

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