Saturday, July 13, 2013

Life in Russia may not be so bad.

If I had to seek political asylum, Russia would be a good place to go. I could become comfortable living there. Maybe it’s because I’m of Slavic heritage. On my mother’s side of the family. I'm Czech.  I’d feel more at home in Russia than in a Latin American country. I’ve been pondering this. Because Edward Snowden, the American dissident accused of espionage for revealing government secrets, is stuck in Moscow and exploring political asylum options. Including Russia. Other possibilities are Venezuela, Ecuador and Nicaragua. If I were Snowden, I’d also explore Iceland. That ain’t a bad place to live. And almost everyone there speaks English. But American authorities, acting like bullies, are making it difficult for Snowden to go anywhere. They’d like to capture him and put him in prison. And throw away the key. Anyway, I’d much prefer living in Russia, especially in St. Petersburg, than wasting away as a political prisoner in America. –Jim Broede

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