Friday, July 12, 2013

Reminds me of the Italian Mafia.

Bully. Bully. Bully. Could be that’s what I dislike most about my native country, the United States of America. A world bully. Big. Powerful. Bullying smaller nations. It’s not nice. Republicans are the biggest bullies. They bully the Democrats. But the Democrats have learned to be bullies, too. Picking not so much on Republicans, but on Latin American nations lately. Such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Nicaragua. For hinting that they are receptive to giving political asylum to Edward Snowden, the American accused of espionage. For releasing secret classified information. That America is spying. On just about everybody. Other nations. And even its own citizens. Of course, the attitude of the Obama administration is, ‘How dare he do that.’ They’d like to put him away. In a jail cell. For a long time. Maybe Snowden should consider himself lucky. Because America now zaps some of its enemies. From drones. Yes, including American citizens. Without a trial. The president and his national security cronies just decide. On their own. To not only act like bullies. But to resort to murder. Maybe that’s better than torture. To be blasted away. Means a quick death. Rather than a slow and agonizing torturous death. Doesn’t make me proud to be an American.  But that’s the way it is. Now, based on news reports in the New York Times, the Obama administration has threatened Latin American countries with bad times and bad treatment if they give refuge to Snowden. Kind of reminds me of the way the Italian Mafia works. –Jim Broede

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