Thursday, July 18, 2013

On getting the best of a bully.

I like it when Russia stands up to the U.S. And refuses to be bullied. It’s nice if Russia bullies back. Bullies should be treated like bullies. Bullied. Bullied. And bullied some more. So they know what it feels like to be bullied. Of course, Russia has been known as a bully, too. But in recent years, the Russian bullying comes mostly in response to bullying from others. Seems to me that America is the biggest bully in the world.  And America needs to be cut down to size.   I'm capable of being a bully, too. Often am. But 90 percent of the time it’s because I’ve been bullied. And I decide to act like Russia. I bully back. I also like the concept of turning the other cheek when slapped. I might even do that for a time or two or three. But eventually, I counter punch. Not only with a powerful slap to the bully's face. But a knee to the bully's groin. And maybe even a kick in the teeth as he falls. Eventually, I get the best of the bully. One way or another. –Jim Broede

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