Thursday, July 4, 2013

The art of lying.

I’m a potential enemy of the U.S. government. Because I abhor secrecy. If I had a security clearance and access to top-secret information, look out. I might choose to reveal all sorts of secrets. Because I think we Americans have a right to know much more than the government tells us.  Therefore, it’s very unlikely that I’ll ever hold a job that requires a top-secret clearance. I won’t be in a position of an Edward Snowden.  Because I’ll be honest about it. No way am I gonna take a pledge to keep everything secret.  When I was employed as a journalist, I actively looked for secrets. The ones kept by local government. And local politicians.  I looked for liars. And to find one, all I had to do is pick out a politician at random. Any politician.  That’s how successful politicians get ahead. They cultivate lying.  They make lying an art instead of a mere craft. Makes me sound cynical, doesn’t it? –Jim Broede

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