Thursday, July 4, 2013

The nature of politics.

One thing I’ve never understood. Why aren’t political parties more inclusive? Whether it be in Egypt or the United States or Timbuktu. Virtually every political party tends to be selfish. Putting its petty interests above the common good. Instead of serving the masses, the parties cater to a select few. Political parties lack objectivity. And instead pursue their own subjective and selfish interests. It happens everywhere. Oh, individual politicians will spout the correct rhetoric. But when it comes to actual practice, they almost always pursue something far less than the collective good. The common good is given short shrift.  Unfortunately, that’s the way politicians operate/manipulate. But it doesn’t have to be. Human beings don’t have a predetermined essence. They can change. And do the honorable and fair and decent thing. But once they get into the political realm, they succumb to the allure of power. They do as they please. Even if it’s destructive and contrary to the common good. –Jim Broede

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