Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Space travel. It's for me.

I’d love to visit Mars. And maybe some day I will. Upon becoming a total spirit. Then I won’t need air to breathe.  Won’t be physical. So very nice. Allowing  me to go anywhere. Even to the red-hot sun. Or all the way to hell. Instead, I’ll explore the cosmos. Other galaxies. All of creation. I’ll be in the same form as god/the creator.  Giving me a sense of equality. Now I feel inequality. That’s the nature of being physical. It’s far too limiting. I was born to be free. A spirit. Unfortunately, the real me is locked up. Imprisoned.  The only escape is the death of my physical being. I’m not complaining. No reason to. Knowing full well that I have a spirit. A soul.  Don’t get me wrong. The physical world ain’t too bad. Instead, it’s that the spiritual realm is better. Especially if I’m in the mood for  space travel. –Jim Broede

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