Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The creator's grand plan.

I know a friend of a friend. Which means she has become my friend, too. And she’s been going through a bad time. Because of the break-up of her marriage. And I’m suggesting that it’s all for the good. For an obvious reason. The husband is a loser. Didn’t recognize that he had a multi-talented gem of a wife. A very decent and loveable human being. With a wonderful sense of humor, too. That adds up to far more than he deserved.  So, good riddance to the fella. I’m sure she’ll end up with someone who’s more appreciative. A real tried and true lover. If so, the marriage break-up will prove to be a blessing. That’s the way life evolves. Far more often than not. From bad springs good. Makes me wonder if that’s part of the creator's grand plan. –Jim Broede

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