Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hell on Earth.

I  don’t think of my country, the United States of America, as exceptional. It’s merely an ordinary country. Run by politicians. A country no more exceptional than Italy or Iceland or Scotland or Russia. I live in Italy. In fall and winter. With my Italian true love. Now there’s someone that’s exceptional. My true love. Maybe it’s that I’m not in love with my country. Don’t get me wrong It’s a nice country. Especially where I live. In Minnesota. But there are several places in the U.S. where I wouldn’t want to live. Texas, for instance. I think of Texas as hell. Mostly because of the political climate. Some of America’s worst politicians come from Texas.-- Jim Broede


Unknown said...

You know Texas does have some pretty good points. One of which is the ability for Texans to protect themselves with deadly force if necessary against would-be attackers. i also have to appreciate the death penalty. Texas is supposed to be one of the best states to retire in. So I really don't know that we should consider Texas as hell.

Anonymous said...

Good thing I know you are kidding, Kelly. Unfortunately, many Texans aren't kidding. --Jim