Thursday, September 5, 2013

I detest wars. Of any kind.

I have less and less desire to change the world. Instead, I merely let the world be. And accept things. Without being particularly bothered. By events in Syria, for instance. I don’t know what the conflagration is all about. And I don’t care. Because I can’t have any influence. Even if I did care. Guess it’s a civil war. And all of the factions seem to be crazy. If they want to kill each other, fine. It’d be better if everybody could get along. And just be happy. Heard that 108,000 have been killed so far. And the Syrian president is alleged to have his troops use poison gas to kill 1,429 Syrians. But in a war, maybe it doesn’t matter which way people die. Poison gas. A bullet. A bomb. Don’t know why people go to war. Never could figure that out. At least, I’ve never had to fight in a war. Makes me blessed. I  detest wars. Of any kind. Especially wars perpetrated by America. But I put up with wars. And worse. Because I can’t change things. Better that I don’t even pay attention. –Jim Broede

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