Thursday, October 10, 2013

In pursuit of the idyllic life.

I’m trying to persuade my friend and neighbor Julie to go with husband Rick on a trip this weekend. To get away. For much-needed respite. To finally make her dad, who has Alzheimer’s, a second priority. Yes, Rick and her marriage should become first priority. It hasn’t been. For five years. Because dad was put first. Out of necessity. Finally, two weeks ago, dad was placed in assisted living. Julie is still there. At his side. Daily. Providing supplemental care. She  continues to be a good care-giver. For her dad, that is. But Julie neglects taking care of herself. And care of Rick, too. She has yet to learn an important skill of the care-giving art/craft. That of taking care of one’s self and one’s true love. In this case, Rick. The nice thing. Rick has done an admirable job of caring for Julie over the extended and challenging Alzheimer sojourn. But Julie hasn’t always been adequately attentive/caring of Rick. Fortunately, Rick has been understanding. A sign of true love. I tell Julie that now it’s time to return the favor. To focus on Rick. For the sake of a stable marriage and true love. That, first and foremost. Now is the time to get away from the constant emotional and physical demands and tensions of care-giving. Leave it to the professionals and friends. And just take off.  For the weekend. In pursuit of pleasure and a more normal and idyllic life. –Jim Broede

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