Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Thriving in Paradise.

I’m torn between two beliefs. That the world in which I live is Paradise. But also Hell. On any given day, I can imagine being in both places. Of course, I prefer Paradise. And that’s where I spend most of my time. Entire days and weeks and months. I try to experience Hell only from afar. I know it exists. All I need to do is read about it. Or watch television. There’s news of life in Hell every day. In my own country. All one needs do is associate with a lunatic fringe Republican. Simply go to Congress. It’s Hell.  Full of idiots. I’d rather converse and associate with the devil himself than most Republicans. Because the devil operates with some degree of rhyme and reason. Not a trace of it in modern day Republicans. Wasn’t always that way. Abe Lincoln, for instance, was a Republican. When Republicans were decent and honorable. The nicest thing about life is that I’m able to more or less steer clear of Hell. Because I live in remote parts of the world. In Minnesota. In Sardinia. With my Italian true love. I feel the pulse beat of love. An undeniable indication that I reside in Paradise. Maybe that’s the real difference between Paradise and Hell. Loving ways exist and thrive only in Paradise. –Jim Broede

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