Friday, October 18, 2013

Please, protect us from crackpots.

I’m pro-government. Yes, I want government, especially on the federal level, to be a vital part of our lives. Give me more government rather than less government. I’d rather have government running the show than putting my faith and trust in the private sector. That’s just the way I am. After a lifetime of political observation.  My suspicions are aroused when Tea Party crackpots and lunatic fringe Republicans clamor for less government. They’d not hesitate to shut down government. To literally destroy government.  They’d like to become the ruling elite. Outside the normal bounds of human decency.  They abhor democracy. They have no empathy for the middle class and the poor and destitute. They favor the rich. They detest an even-handed  government. Thank gawd. For the invention of government that protects us from the crackpots. By focusing on the common good. –Jim Broede

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