Friday, October 4, 2013

Staying alive.

Several of my dear friends are funny. In thinking that I over-exercise. Believe me, I don’t come close to overdoing it. I feel good while exercising.  Relaxed. Comfortable. It’s good for me. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. I’m not gasping for breath. I’m merely moving my physical being. Doing what my arms and legs and torso were made to do. Move. Move. Move in rhythmic ways. It’s my form of dancing. Actually, real dancing, out on the dance floor, is far more strenuous than my biking or walking. I also tend to think while exercising. Clears my mind. Gets rid of the clutter.  And makes thinking easier. In that sense, I’m exercising my mind as well as my body. My friends are far more sedentary than I. They may not fully understand the benefits of exercise. Sustained. Aerobic. Of course, it’s all right for them to be sedentary. If that’s their thing. But I am compelled to exercise. Daily. For several hours. I’m built and wired that way. Maybe that’s why I’ve lived this long. To 78, and counting. If I had followed a sedentary lifestyle, I’d probably be dead by now. Meanwhile, maybe it would be dangerous for my sedentary friends to go out and exercise vigorously. . They might drop dead. For being out of shape.  I suspect we each are doing what we have to do. To stay alive. –Jim Broede

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