Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What is a soul?

I’m listening to loud music played loudly tonight. And I’m wondering how my cats, Loverboy and Chenuska, hear it. Are they aware of music?  I suppose not. And does music played loudly bother them? Does it hurt their ears? Cats are supposed to have good hearing.  What sort of sounds do cats appreciate?  Can certain sounds relax a cat?  It would be interesting getting into a cat’s mind. What is it like being a cat? Are cats even aware that they are cats? I suppose they don’t recognize themselves when they look into a mirror. I like to rub my forehead against Loverboy’s forehead. Imagining that’s a way to exchange thoughts. I wonder if animals have souls. I wonder, too, if the creator/god has a soul. Anyway, that raises another question. What is a soul? –Jim Broede

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