Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Give me Elizabeth Warren.

I want a president who’s far more liberal than Barack Obama. My one big gripe with Obama: He’s far too moderate. Almost conservative.  Of course, Republicans portray Obama as a wild-eyed liberal. He’s anything but that. I’m a liberal. And I know a liberal when I see one.  For instance, a true liberal is for a single-payer health care system.  Not water-downed Obamacare. Foisted on us because Obama is all too willing to compromise with Republicans and health care insurers. Obama sold out. In order to get a foot in the door. For what he hopes some day becomes socialized medicine. But I’m not willing to wait. I want very liberal approaches now. Yes, now, now, now.  That’s why Obama is an unsuitable president. Oh, he’s better than any Republican. But that’s no longer good enough for me.  I’m switching allegiance. I’m promoting Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren for president in the next go around.  She’s a true liberal. Obama ain’t. –Jim Broede

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