Wednesday, November 6, 2013

If I were the head honcho.

This guy, Snowden, alerted us about government spying. We're all being spied upon. Not just Americans. World leaders, too. Our allies. Such as the German chancellor. She had her personal cell  phone tapped. For 10 years.  Snowden, meanwhile, has been banished from his country. America. And accused of espionage. American politicians would like to put Snowden in prison. And throw away the key. For being 'un-American.' For being a 'traitor.' For allegedly endangering the lives of American soldiers. Snowden has asked for clemency. And he deserves it. For being the truly patriotic American. For revealing government secrets. But the heads of intelligence committees in Congress say no way. That he should be treated as a criminal. An outcast. A bad, bad guy. The worst. But I tell you, the ‘worst’ are the politicians in Washington. For getting us into unnecessary and immoral and costly wars. In Iraq. In Afghanistan. They should be tossed into prison. For the rest of their lives. For war-mongering. And guys like Snowden should go free. And be honored. That’s how I’d run the show. If I were in Congress. If I were the head honcho. –Jim Broede

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