Sunday, November 17, 2013

The worst form of dementia.

‘Single payer is coming, Medicare for all, everyone with the exact same insurance, with no quarreling with insurers over needs, medical procedures, and medicines.’  That’s a quote. From a reader of the New York Times. Posted today. At the end of an article. About Obamacare. I could have written it. It’s my optimistic belief in what will ultimately happen in the USA. Medicare for all. That’s what I have now. Coupled with private supplemental insurance plan. To pick up the cost of everything not covered by Medicare. I’m satisfied. Happy.  Of course, I’m not a Republican. Thank gawd. And I have no desire to be a Republican. It would make me an immoral, obscene being. Yes, no worse fate than being Republican.  The worst form of dementia. Yes, more terrible, more horrific than Alzheimer’s. –Jim Broede

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