Friday, December 20, 2013

Just the right balance.

I have a wonderful life. Without having everything. That makes me blessed. If I had everything imaginable, it'd be a curse. All I need are the essentials. Such as good health. And a love interest. That keeps me going. If I had too much, I wouldn't know what to do with it. Such as wads of money and the opportunity to be a reckless spendthrift. And a mansion so spacious I'd get lost in it. I can live without all that stuff. I'm still very happy and alive and conscious at age 78. Able to walk 10 miles or bike 30 miles every day. My first true love died 7 years ago after our idyllic 38-year marriage. But I've found a second true love, an Italian. Affording me the opportunity to bounce back and forth between Minnesota and Sardinia, an island paradise in the Mediterranean Sea. Little wonder that life seems so magical. So wonderful. I have just enough --not too much, not too little. Just the right balance. --Jim Broede

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