Saturday, December 21, 2013

Collecting my idiotic wits.

I'm an idiot. No doubt about it. Because I do idiotic things. Daily. Makes me wonder how I've survived. To age 78, and counting. Maybe a guardian angel hovers over me. And saves me from myself.  Take the other day. I'm wheeling my travel bags on a cart. At a rental car place. Had to go down an escalator. Lo and behold, I push the loaded cart on the escalator. Just ahead of me. Wasn't thinking. I was in my idiot mode. As the stairs automatically moved downward, the cart tipped forward and the bags tumbled down ahead of me. Followed by the spiraling cart. Clunk. Clunk. Clunk.  Bang. Bang. Bang. Fortunately, nobody else was on the escalator. Anyway, two guys watched all this from atop the stairs and came to my rescue. Asked if I was okay. I was. Though embarrassed. And they kindly helped me collect my belongings -- and my idiotic wits. --Jim Broede  

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